Spring @Validated and Null Safety

I want to ask some question about validating input in Spring.

I have this class for input data:

class Post(
    val content: String?,

    val id: Int?

and I have this class for validating:

class PostController {
    fun createPost(@Validated @RequestBody post: Post): String {
        println(post.content.length) // This should not compile error because @NotNull and @Validated
        return "Success"

That should not compile error because @NotNull and @Validated (like smart cast). It can be solved with something like this:


But that code will not so good with !! operation.

Or it can be solved with non-null type in Post (but with difference type of error). This solution will not work if I have this class for validating:

class PostController2 {
    fun createPost2(@Validated @RequestBody post: Post, bindingResult: BindingResult): String {
        if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
            // post.content is nullable
            return "Error"
        } else {
            // post.content is non-null
            return "Success"

Is there any good solution for this problem?
Thank you.