True, but you could say the same for infix functions.
val flag = 1 shl 4
Could just as easily be expressed with
val flag = 1.shl(4)
The best argument I can muster in support, I suppose, is that infix and suffix functions open up the potential to write more elegant and readable code, which naturally fits in with many DSLs.
Isn’t that one of the major selling points of Kotlin?
Point taken. I guess I’m not a big fan of this kind of opt-in alternative syntax in general, as it puts more burden on users (“Did this method support infix syntax?”, “Should I be using infix syntax here?”) and leads to less uniform code. Perhaps either-or would be better, i.e. infix/suffix functions are considered operators and can’t use normal function syntax.
True, but I believe Scala’s suffix notation suffers because, like their infix notation, it’s something implicitly available to all unary and nullary methods. This causes issues because it can be difficult and non-intuitive to predict how Scala will parse the statement, especially if could have also been an infix notation.
E.g. The statement foo bar baz could be or or who knows what else.
I don’t believe Kotlin would have this issue to the same degree, if even at all, because it sensibly requires a function to state whether its an infix or not. This gives us more control of the DSL, as we can predict and design how it will be used.
It was also a wise choice to make the infix an operator, so it has an explicit precedence.
Just thought about another alternative would be to define a singleton object degrees that had plus and minus operator functions so you could instead say something like this:
I agree, units of measure are a very valid use case!
Because some functionality is already available for infix calls, it’s is already possible to write this:
val date = 15 april 2017
That is valid Kotlin code given the function:
infix fun Int.april(year: Int): Calendar {
val out = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Zurich"))
out.set(year, Calendar.APRIL, this)
return out
Of course, a small dot does not look like a huge problem:
This is an old thread and I would wager there isn’t much to new that would help suffix style function calls get over the minus 100 points.
They add a lot of potential for confusion when the current options with extensions and operator overriding are so effective for use cases of units. If there is a way to avoid adding the language feature but still get the kind of expressiveness for units then that would be preferred.
Here’s two libraries that give an idea of what’s possible to express now:
There’s also the option for units to use some kind of compiler plugin. Compiler plugins have become supported in Kotlin since that discussion. Here’s a link to some stuff mentioned in the discussion: