I’m trying to define a new function to capture this common pattern:
.apply {
if (condition) {
Here is the function definition:
inline fun <T> T.applyIf(condition: Boolean, block: T.() -> Unit): T {
if (condition) block()
return this
This is usually used in a chain, as a hypothetical example, lets say we have a builder:
val result = PersonBuilder()
.apply {
if (spouse != null) {
So with the new function, I would like to use it like this:
val result = PersonBuilder()
.applyIf(spouse != null) {
but this doesn’t work because spouse is not smart cast into a non-null type.
I was hoping to be able to add a contract to make the type inference work but I didn’t see anything that would help in this scenario.
Any suggestions? Can we get a new contract to handle this type of scenario?