Hi !
here is my situation:
open class A {
fun <T:A> subst(data:Map<String, String>) : T {
return this.clone().doSubst(data) as T //I know this looks strange
class B : A() {
fun doSomethingElse() {}
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val coll:List<B> = listOf(B(),B(),B())
val data = mapOf("x" to "y")
val coll1:List<B> = coll.map { it.subst(data) } // type inference failed! (even with explicit :List<B>)
but if I define:
fun <T:A> T.subst2(data:Map<String, String>) : T {
return this
then this works fine:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val coll:List<B> = listOf(B(),B(),B())
val data = mapOf("x" to "y")
val coll1 = coll.map { it.subst2(data) } // type inference success! even without (:List<B>).
So, the extension function ‘subst2’ have an advantage having a chance to capture the type of receiver. It would be great to have some way for member function ‘subst’ to specify to capture (when it possible) the type of a subclass e.g.:
open class A {
fun This.subst(data:Map<String, String>) : This {
// do something with this
return this
I know this is a syntax of extension member function but I meant to capture the type of an original receiver (probably another syntax could be elaborated).
The example of potential usage is chaning:
val b = B()
P.S. Sorry if this thing is already discussed somewhere or is a completely crap.