I’m using kotlin coroutines and kotlin retrofit coroutines to do network requests in the project I’m currently working on. But my unittests are causing problems. The problem is in the getWorklist-method in below class.
I’m using launch(UI)
-coroutine to run a network request, but for some reason the the getWorklist-method never enters into the coroutine.
If I change launch(UI) { ... }
to runBlocking { ... }
in WorklistInterctor#getWorklist() the tests all pass.
Here’s my code:
class WorklistInteractor @Inject
constructor(private val worklistRepository: WorklistRepository,
private val preferenceManager: PreferenceManager)
: NetworkInteractor, WorklistDialogContract.Interactor {
private var job = Job()
override fun getWorklist(listener: OnWorklistResultListener) {
job = launch(UI) {
val result = async {
ip = preferenceManager.worklistIp,
port = preferenceManager.worklistPort).awaitResult()
when (result) {
//Successful HTTP result
is Result.Ok -> listener.onWorklistResult(result.value)
// Any HTTP error
is Result.Error -> {
Timber.e(result.exception, "HTTP error with code %s}", result.exception.code())
when(result.exception.code()) {
401 -> listener.onInvalidCredentialsFailure()
500 -> listener.internalServerError()
503 -> listener.noServerResponseFailure()
else -> listener.onError(result.exception.cause.toString())
// Exception while request invocation
is Result.Exception -> {
Timber.e(result.exception.cause, "Exception with cause %s", result.exception.cause.toString())
when(result.exception) {
is ConnectException -> listener.connectionRefused()
is SocketTimeoutException -> listener.failedToConnectToHost()
else -> listener.onError(result.exception.cause.toString())
override fun cancel() {
Here’s one of my unittest:
fun `when worklistquery returns result, pass result back through listeners OnWorklistResult()`()
= runBlocking {
whenever(mWorklistRepositoryMock.getWorklist(anyString(), anyInt(), anyString()))
I keep getting the following message when run:
Wanted but not invoked:
→ at com.example.dialogs.worklistdialog.WorklistInteractorTest$when worklistquery returns result, pass result back through listeners OnWorklistResult()$1.doResume(WorklistInteractorTest.kt:58)Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.