Unresolved Reference on generated Java files

I have a project with Java and now a new Kotlin file in AndroidTest. It fails to compile: Execution failed for task ‘:odata:compileDebugAndroidTestKotlin’. The error is showing up in my import statement.

It is not able to locate the generated files

import com.testcom.cloud.mobile.data.tests.eventservice.Event

and the error is:

e: C:\Users\xxx\git\project1\data\src\androidTest\java\com\testcom\cloud\mobile\data\KtEventServiceV2Test.kt: (6, 35): Unresolved reference: tests

I tried to use sourceSets for androidTest to point to my generated files under build but to no avail.

What can be the problem?


Hello, sorry for the late reply. Can you please create a YouTrack issue and attach your project (perhaps privately) so we can investigate the problem?