Upload multiple photos with queue, service and retrofit

I am trying to upload one or multiple photos to the server, and what I want is to show a view where the upload percentage is displayed, and a notification.

I’m looking to decide whether to use WorkManager or Service. I think service would be the option that I take, so that the upload does not interrupt when I browse to other screens, I also look for when the application dies also the service.

I want to show the box when I upload images and hide it when I finish


When several photos are uploaded
I want to manage with the queue on Android with service.

I have advancing the class for the rise with retrofit.

What I would miss is to create the service, update the notification and the view (fragment), and manage queue all the images.

This is really an Android question, not a Kotlin question. Try stackoverflow.com

thank you, sorry I’m missing question. To upload a list of photos, I would like help, how can I use queue in kotlin


pdvrieze is right. This question is more appropriate for stackoverflow.

  1. Follow the link he posted,
  2. post the question,
  3. link the question here, and
  4. I will look at it there.

I found where someone already answered the question,

Thank you, I will review it now