Use git hash as version number in build.gradle.kts

Hi, I’m new to Kotlin, Gradle and build.gradle.kts

I’d like to add the git hash to the version number (e.g. “0.8.2-a7b3d”) and use this constant in my Kotlin/jvm project.

I found about a dozen howtos for Java/Android but non for build.gradle.kts (also searching for “git hash” in any combination with other words seams to include a lot of “noise”).

Please point me into the right direction!

Something like this but for build.gradle.kts

// from

import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import platform.posix.*

fun executeCommand(
    command: String,
    trim: Boolean = true,
    redirectStderr: Boolean = true
): String {
    val commandToExecute = if (redirectStderr) "$command 2>&1" else command
    val fp = popen(commandToExecute, "r") ?: error("Failed to run command: $command")

    val stdout = buildString {
        val buffer = ByteArray(4096)
        while (true) {
            val input = fgets(buffer.refTo(0), buffer.size, fp) ?: break

    val status = pclose(fp)
    if (status != 0) {
        error("Command `$command` failed with status $status${if (redirectStderr) ": $stdout" else ""}")

    return if (trim) stdout.trim() else stdout

fun main() {
    println("Git Info in local directory:")

    println(executeCommand("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"))
    println(executeCommand("git tag -l --points-at HEAD"))
    println(executeCommand("git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD"))

i’ve got this in my code, although i’m not sure where org.apache.commons stuff is coming from:

fun versionBanner(): String {
    val os =
    project.exec {
        commandLine = "git describe --long".split(" ")
        standardOutput = os
    return String(os.toByteArray()).trim()

I have this extension function for my gradle builds

fun String.runCommand(
   workingDir: File = File("."),
   timeoutAmount: Long = 60,
   timeoutUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS
): String = ProcessBuilder(split("\\s(?=(?:[^'\"`]*(['\"`])[^'\"`]*\\1)*[^'\"`]*$)".toRegex()))
    .apply { waitFor(timeoutAmount, timeoutUnit) }
    .run {
        val error = errorStream.bufferedReader().readText().trim()
        if (error.isNotEmpty()) {
            throw IOException(error)

and then you can call it like

"git rev-list --count HEAD".runCommand(workingDir = rootDir)
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Hi @oakkitten, thank you for your reply!
Where (in build.gradle.kts ?) do I put this?

How can I add this to version? Like this:

plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.4.10"
group = "me.eugen"
version = "1.0-" + versionBanner()

repositories {
kotlin {
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Hi @chrimaeon, thank you for your reply!
Where (in build.gradle.kts ?) do I put this?

How can I add this to version ? Like this:

plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.4.10"
group = "me.eugen"
version = "1.0-" + "git rev-list --count HEAD".runCommand("./")

repositories {
kotlin {

well i have this as a top-level function. git describe --long will give you version as well as long as you are using tags, e.g. you can get something like v1.2-119-g17dd14b7. as to how you use that, that’s up to you; i’m doing android so i’m using

android {
    defaultConfig {
            buildConfigField("String", "VERSION", "\"${versionBanner()}\"")

and then i use that in the about window.

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I found a (temporary?) solution:


plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.4.10"
    id("com.github.gmazzo.buildconfig") version "2.0.1"

group = "me.eugen"
version = "1.0.0"


fun String.runCommand(
    workingDir: File = File("."),
    timeoutAmount: Long = 60,
    timeoutUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS
): String = ProcessBuilder(split("\\s(?=(?:[^'\"`]*(['\"`])[^'\"`]*\\1)*[^'\"`]*$)".toRegex()))
    .apply { waitFor(timeoutAmount, timeoutUnit) }
    .run {
        val error = errorStream.bufferedReader().readText().trim()
        if (error.isNotEmpty()) {
            throw Exception(error)

buildConfig {
    sourceSets.getByName("nativeMain") {
        val branch = "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD".runCommand(workingDir = rootDir)
        val tag = "git tag -l --points-at HEAD".runCommand(workingDir = rootDir)
        val commitId = "git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD".runCommand(workingDir = rootDir)

        buildConfigField("String", "version", "\"${version.toString()}\"")
        buildConfigField("String", "branch", "\"${branch}\"")
        buildConfigField("String", "tag", "\"${tag}\"")
        buildConfigField("String", "commit", "\"${commitId}\"")


import me.eugen.githash.BuildConfig

fun main() {
    val version = BuildConfig.version + "-" + BuildConfig.commit;
    println("githash version: " + version)

Any suggestions to improve this further?

If you need the project.version always be the concat version with the commit you can just write

plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.4.10"
    id("com.github.gmazzo.buildconfig") version "2.0.1"

group = "me.eugen"
version = "1.0.0" + "git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD".runCommand(workingDir = rootDir)
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