I wrote following lambda expression
val positive:(Int)-> Boolean={x:Int -> x >0}
It works
val positive:(Int)-> Boolean={it >0}
it works too
but why this gives error ERROR Unresolved reference: it
val positive={it >0}
I wrote following lambda expression
val positive:(Int)-> Boolean={x:Int -> x >0}
It works
val positive:(Int)-> Boolean={it >0}
it works too
but why this gives error ERROR Unresolved reference: it
val positive={it >0}
In the third case you never told the compiler that you have a lambda with a single argument.
It won’t “guess” that for you.
The example in your link is different you’re calling a method which requires a single-argument lambda hence the compiler knows that there’s a single argument.
Note that way you use lambda is a bit atypical, usually lambdas are used a “quick” inline functions you use in some statement. If you want to define a function, you’d usually use fun
For this case a type can’t be infered. What you can use is this instead:
val positive = { it: Int -> it > 0 }