Currently it’s not possible to use delegated properties in the primary constructor of data classes or any class for that matter.
data class User(val name: String, var password: String by PasswordChecker())
Has this possibility been considered? It would be great if one can still benefit from the automatically derived features (equals/hashcode/tostring/copy/…) without sacrificing the power of delegation.
I don’t really understand how this would work. I guess PasswordChecker supplies a getter and a setter. And the constructor should than call the setter of the PasswordChecker? But what if the delegate only supplies a getter. How is the value to be set than?
Pls correct me if I’m wrong.
The compiler should raise an error in the case of a read-only property delegate, just like when you would apply a read-only property in the currently supported way:
data class User(val name: String) {
var password: String by PasswordChecker()
Here is an example that ends up with more boilerplate than what is needed.
class Commit(
id: EntityID<Int>,
) : IntEntity(id), ICommit {
companion object : IntEntityClass<AbstractRedCommit>(RedCommits)
var sha by Commits.sha
var commitTime by Commits.commitTime
val icommit = object : CommitObject() {
override fun getCommitSha(): String {
return sha
override fun getCommitTime(): LocalDateTime {
return commitTime!!
* Ideally this is automatically delegated to icommit automatically. I can't figure out a way to do that.
* */
override fun getCommitSha(): String {
return icommit.getCommitSha()
override fun getCommitTime(): LocalDateTime {
return icommit.getCommitTime()
override fun isCommitOlder(commit: ICommit): Boolean {
return icommit.isCommitOlder(commit)