Using typealias on generics

I attended the UGM in Munich yesterday, talking with Eugene later about a problem I can’t solve. He suggested to post it, maybe you have an idea…

For simplicity and readability I would like to get rid of the generic in the alias. But uncommenting the doThat does not compile.

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    val demo = Demo<String>()

    demo doThis { say("generic alias") }
//  demo doThat { say("simpler alias") }

typealias genericContext<T> = Demo<T>.() -> Unit
typealias simplerContext    = Demo<*>.() -> Unit

class Demo<T>
    infix fun doThis(block: genericContext<T>) = block()
    infix fun doThat(block: simplerContext   ) = block()

    fun say(obj: T) = println(obj.toString())

I don’t fully understand your problem.

typealias simplerContext = Demo<*>.() -> Unit

leads to a compile error, because the Demo class does not take a type argument. What exactly are you trying to do?

I does -the editor has eaten the lace braces!

It should be:

typealias genericContext< T > = Demo<T>.() -> Unit
typealias simplerContext    = Demo<*>.() -> Unit

class Demo< T >
    infix fun doThis(block: genericContext< T >) = block()
    infix fun doThat(block: simplerContext   ) = block()

    fun say(obj: T) = println(obj.toString())


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So if I understand you correctly you want to have a type alias which looks something like this

typealias simplerContext = Demo<>.() -> Unit
typealias simplerContext = Demo.() -> Unit

but behaves like this one

typealias genericContext<T> = Demo<T>.() -> Unit

I don’t really see any way to achieve this.

Your block runs in the context of a Demo<*>. It cannot call the say function because it receives an argument of type T, which is unknown.

If T appears as a return type, the method is still usable, the type will be treated as if it were the upper bound (Any? in this case, I think).
If T appears as the argument of a method, the method becomes unusable.