Like @Skater901 says, there does not seem to be anything like that right now.
However, your alternative (with using val props = _props.toMap()
as the first line in method body) is actually not that bad.
Still, let’s look into the details of what is missing to get what you asked for:
I see that you ask for two things:
- Having a vararg-like keyword in method signature that produces a map.
- Having a special “named-argument”-like syntax to specify a pair.
ad 1)
The vararg keyword is bound to produce an Array. I.e. a different keyword is needed for a similar feature for maps. I.e. with some existing types K and V:
fun makeTag(tagName: String, varmap props: Map<K, V>): Elem {
// Here, props can be used as Map<K,V>
which would compile to the equivalent° of:
fun makeTag(tagName: String, vararg _props: Pair<K, V>): Elem {
val props = _props.toMap()
// Here, props can be used as Map<K,V>
Two things should be considered about this:
A. What should be the name of the keyword? “varmap” is not very nice.
B. How will the key and value types be specified? Above, I wrote “Map<K, V>”, but “Map” actually is redundant, because it is clear from the keyword that it will be a map. Another possibility would be
fun makeTag(tagName: String, props: varmap <K, V>): Elem {
but that is quite inconsistent to the existing vararg syntax.
Any suggestions?
I guess with a good idea for the syntax (better than my first draft above), this could be an interesting feature for the language, if there are enough use-cases.
ad 2)
kwargs (or more precisely **) in python takes a list of named arguments.
I think that is the reason why in your proposed method call, you also used named arguments:
style = "color: red"
instead of map entries (pairs).
However, named arguments are something different than a pair (at least in statically-typed languages like Kotlin).
The question is whether you really want/need this second feature additional to the varmap keyword above.
If so, please note that it would be restricted to key-type String. Then on accurate places
style = someExpression
could be equivalent to "style" to someExpression
Also, what would happen for cases like this:
fun makeTag(tagName: String = "defaultTag", varmap props: Map<String,String>) {}
makeTag(tagName = "someValue")
Is “someValue” now used for the tagName parameter or is it put into props?
But to be honest: That special syntax is quite inconsistent to the rest of the language, its use pretty restricted (only StringMaps) and the gain quite small.
Live long and prosper,
° Actually, it is not 100% equivalent. Still the named argument of the new method accessible when calling the method needs to be “props”, not “_props”.