Visibility error after 1.0.2 update

In my project Pinpoi (GitHub - fvasco/pinpoi: Import and manage point of interest) switch Kotlin version from 1.0.1-2 (e8142d7) to 1.0.2 (0d7e676) causes a compilation error.
Kotlin 1.0.2 raises visibility error on protected method.

e: .../pinpoi/importer/KmlImporter.kt: (40, 42): Cannot access 'configureFrom': it is 'protected' in 'AbstractImporter'
e: .../pinpoi/importer/ZipImporter.kt: (27, 30): Cannot access 'configureFrom': it is 'protected' in 'AbstractImporter'
e: .../pinpoi/importer/ZipImporter.kt: (28, 30): Cannot access 'importImpl': it is 'protected' in 'AbstractImporter'

What is the error?
No visibility for protected methods in same package?


Yes. The possibility to call protected methods on unrelated classes declared in the same package was never part of Kotlin’s design, and this was possible in pre-1.0.2 versions only because of missing checks in the compiler. The checks have now been implemented as designed, so such code is no longer valid.

Great job!

Thanks for quick response.