Is my friends good?
I was learning object-oriented (teaching with Java language) and I was doing Kotlin
In the example that I sent to the attachment.
I have two variable in two class named “chargerType” and their visibility is private
How can i change the visibility of two variable named “chargerType” to Public in the example?
When I’m doing, I’m taking some error.
MainActivity.kt Code :
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val mobile: SmartPhone = SmartPhone()
Log.i("LOG", "Is turned On :" + mobile.isTurnedOn())
Log.i("LOG", "Charger Type :" + mobile.getChargerType())
Log.i("LOG", "Charger Type :" + mobile.getChargerType())
A Super class is :
public open class DigitalDevice {
private var chargerType: String = “AC”
private var isTurnedOn: Boolean = false
public open fun turnOn() {
Log.i("LOG", "Digital Device Turned On")
isTurnedOn = true
public open fun turnOff() {
isTurnedOn = false
Log.i("LOG", "Digital Device Turned Off")
public open fun isTurnedOn(): Boolean {
return isTurnedOn
public open fun getChargerType(): String? {
if (isTurnedOn) {
return chargerType
} else {
return null
private fun boot() {
Log.i("LOG", "Device is Booting....")
Log.i("LOG", "Some action in Boot")
Log.i("LOG", "Device Booted")
private fun shutdown() {
Log.i("LOG", "Device id Shutting down...")
Log.i("LOG", "Some action in shutdown")
Log.i("LOG", "Device shutdown")
A Sub class :
public class SmartPhone : DigitalDevice() {
private var chargerType: String? = "USB"
override fun getChargerType(): String {
val type: String? = super.getChargerType()
if (type == null) {
return "SmartPhone is turned off"
return type