Website using kotlin

السلام عليكم
Hello everybody
i want to create a website using kotlin and i do not know how to start so please help me or gev me a source to lern how to do it and thanks :pray:

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I would look into Ktor.

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Depends what you mean by “create a website”. If you mean an actual web page that people can visit, you don’t use Kotlin for that. You could use a Kotlin server to host your HTML files, but that would be massively overkill; just use nginx to host the web files.

وعليكم السلام
You Can Use Ktor for that and also you can try this framework called Kobweb

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If you’re ok with non stable stuff
then compose multplatform we
may be the right choice.
I lacks some features like
keyboard on mobile
(There even is a PR for that)
but from my expirence it’s
still kinda stable but yet, some
features are not there het.