Weird behavior with Kotlin and JavaFX Properties (Help!)

I’m playing around with JavaFX and Kotlin discovered a weird behaviour with javafx properties.

I have a property selected which is bound to a LIstViews’ selectedItemProperty, then I have another property todo who is bound to selected. Weird thing is whenever selected’s value change (I click on an item in the UI) todo is never updated, listeners are not invoked either. Unless I do something like:


// WTF?
var once = false
component.selected.addListener({ obs, old, selected ->
    if (!once) {
        todo // why?
        once = true

Probably it’s worth mentioning that my code is littered with lazy.

Below is the complete source containing the snippet above. Full source for the test project is available here.

package io.polymorphicpanda.zerofx.sample.view

import io.polymorphicpanda.zerofx.sample.component.TodoAppComponent
import io.polymorphicpanda.zerofx.sample.component.TodoDetailsComponent
import io.polymorphicpanda.zerofx.sample.domain.Todo
import io.polymorphicpanda.zerofx.view.View
import io.polymorphicpanda.zerofx.view.helpers.*
import javafx.event.EventHandler
import javafx.geometry.Insets
import javafx.geometry.Pos
import javafx.scene.control.*
import javafx.scene.layout.*
import javafx.util.Callback

class TodoAppView(component: TodoAppComponent): View<TodoAppComponent>(component) {
    override val root by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
        BorderPane().apply {
            left = VBox().apply {
                margin(this, Insets(5.0))
                alignment = Pos.CENTER_LEFT
                spacing = 5.0
                isFillWidth = true
                children {
                    + HBox().apply {
                        isFillHeight = true
                        spacing = 5.0
                        children {
                            + TextField().apply {
                                promptText = "Create new todo"
                                hgrow(this, Priority.ALWAYS)

                            + Button("Add"). apply {
                                hgrow(this, Priority.ALWAYS)
                                onAction = EventHandler {
                    + Label("Todo List")
                    + createListView().apply {
                        vgrow(this, Priority.ALWAYS)

            center = StackPane().apply {
                children {
                    + create(TodoDetailsComponent::class).apply {

                        // we need to do this?
                        var once = false
                        component.selected.addListener({ obs, old, selected ->
                            if (!once) {
                                once = true

    private fun createListView(): ListView<Todo> {
        return ListView<Todo>().apply {
            isFocusTraversable = false
            cellFactory = Callback {
                object: ListCell<Todo>() {
                    override fun updateItem(item: Todo?, empty: Boolean) {
                        super.updateItem(item, empty)

                        if (!empty && item != null) {
                            text = item.description
            selectionModel.apply {


I fixed it by upgrading to java 8u91, was previously using 8u45.