fun read() : List<Long> {
return readLine()!!.split(' ').map { it.toLong() }
class Matrix constructor(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long) {
var A : List<List<Long>> = listOf(listOf(0L, 0L), listOf(0L, 0L))
get() = field
set(value) {A = value}
init {A = listOf(listOf(a, b), listOf(c, d))}
constructor(Ap: List<List<Long>>) : this(Ap[0][0], Ap[0][1], Ap[1][0], Ap[1][1]) {
fun Mult(other: Matrix) : Matrix {
var ret: List<List<Long>> = listOf(listOf(0L, 0L), listOf(0L, 0L))
for (i in 0 until 2)
for (j in 0 until 2)
for (k in 0 until 2)
ret[i][j] = ret[i][j] + (A[i][k] * other.A[k][j])
return Matrix(ret)
const val M = 998244353
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
so, we got two errors: Kotlin: Unresolved reference. None of the following candidates is applicable because of receiver type mismatch: public inline operator fun kotlin.text.StringBuilder /* = java.lang.StringBuilder */.set(index: Int, value: Char): Unit defined in kotlin.text
, and Kotlin: No set method providing array access
but ret[i][j], A[i][j], other.A[i][j] is all in type Long