I’ve just read a newsticker article about the Plat_Forms 2012 programming language contest and wondered if any Kotlin team participates.
During this contest a “real world” application will be implemented in all major languages/platforms and it would be very interesting
to compare e.g. Java and Scala with Kotlin in regards of easy of understandability, code beautyness and other promises.
The announcement at https://www.plat-forms.org/platforms-2012-announcement says:
"The pros and cons of the various platforms are by-and-large known in
principle, but how the pros trade off against the cons in one platform
and how that compares to another platform is the topic of
quasi-religious wars only, not a subject of objective analysis, as
almost no data
is available that allows such direct comparison.Plat_Forms is a contest that will change this. It will have top-class
(and hence comparable) teams of 3 programmers implement the same
specification of a web-based application under the same circumstances
and thus generate a basis for objective comparison of
the various
characteristics that the platforms generate."