I want to add the entirety of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition as a dependency to my application. I am having trouble finding the Maven/JCenter artifact.
How do I do the above ?
Why do you want to do this ?
This is not for production use – this is just for goofing around trying random ideas and seeing if there are elements of IntelliJ IDea I can build upon.
why are you not writing this as a plugin ?
This is not for production use – this is just for goofing around, and I want to see if this is do able.
I don’t think there are any maven/jcenter artifacts you can use as this is not the intended way of extending intellij. You can however get the source code from github.
You could look at the actual Kotlin project. As it provides the Kotlin plugin it actually supports running an intellij instance with the local version of the plugin. You could probably do the same although spelonking through the kotlin project source code will take some time.