Annotation alias

Is it somehow possible to have “annotation aliases” in Kotlin?

What I want to achieve is to transform this

fun method() = "something"

into something like this

annotationalias Red = Colour("red")

fun method() = "something"

Oh yes please!

I have soooo many of these:

@JsonDeserialize(using = MyFiniteAbsDoubleDeserializer::class) val value: Double

in data classes for @PostMapping controllers (which is a simple but handy deserializer that checks for double values to be finite [no NaN or Infinity] and always makes them positive)

and it would be so much nicer to just say @FiniteAbsDouble as an annotationalias

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So, basically we want to replicate what Spring offers, but on a language level:

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This would be useful also to use an alias for multiple annotations