I have a question about defensive copy of input collections and immutability. Are you considering making a copy of collections that are passed to the constructor of data class. I think it would solve mess that appears when you try to enforce it by hand. It will be clear from the following few examples. I hope you’ll have enough patience to read the code So we have a data class that we are counting on to be immutable and a test that tests that immutability.
data class WannaBeImmutable(
val id: Long,
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val accountIds: List<String>) {
public fun testWannaBeImmutableStandardStuff() {
val accountIds = ArrayList<String>()
val wannaBeImmutableUnderTest = WannaBeImmutable(42L, "John", 30, accountIds)
Assert.assertEquals(1, wannaBeImmutableUnderTest.accountIds.size)
// This is ok
val wannaBeImmutableDoe = wannaBeImmutableUnderTest.copy(name = "Doe")
Assert.assertEquals("John", wannaBeImmutableUnderTest.name)
Assert.assertEquals("Doe", wannaBeImmutableDoe.name)
// Also ok
val wannaBeImmutableRich = wannaBeImmutableDoe.copy(accountIds = listOf("333", "555"))
Assert.assertEquals(1, wannaBeImmutableDoe.accountIds.size)
Assert.assertEquals(2, wannaBeImmutableRich.accountIds.size)
// wannaBeImmutableRich.accountIds.add("444") // Compile error, it's fine
public fun testInputArrayList() {
val accountIds = ArrayList<String>()
val wannaBeImmutableUnderTest = WannaBeImmutable(42L, "John", 30, accountIds)
Assert.assertEquals(1, wannaBeImmutableUnderTest.accountIds.size)
// Mutate input list
Assert.assertEquals(1, wannaBeImmutableUnderTest.accountIds.size) // Fails
public fun testOutputArrayList() {
val accountIds = ArrayList<String>()
val wannaBeImmutableUnderTest = WannaBeImmutable(42L, "John", 30, accountIds)
Assert.assertEquals(1, wannaBeImmutableUnderTest.accountIds.size)
// Mutate output list
(wannaBeImmutableUnderTest.accountIds as ArrayList).add("22222")
Assert.assertEquals(1, wannaBeImmutableUnderTest.accountIds.size) // Fails
testInputArrayList and testOutputArrayList fail because although the Kotlin List interface is immutable, the implementation isn’t. It can easily be solved by defensive copy. I’ll paste the test of the RealImmutable class first just to show you what would I expect. Every assertion in this test passes.
public fun testRealImmutable() {
val accountIds = ArrayList<String>()
val realImmutableUnderTest = RealImmutable(42L, "John", 30, accountIds)
Assert.assertEquals(1, realImmutableUnderTest.accountIds.size)
// This is ok
val newRealImmutableNamedJoe = realImmutableUnderTest.copy(name = "Doe")
Assert.assertEquals("John", realImmutableUnderTest.name)
Assert.assertEquals("Doe", newRealImmutableNamedJoe.name)
// Also ok
val realImmutableRich = newRealImmutableNamedJoe.copy(accountIds = listOf("333", "555"))
Assert.assertEquals(1, newRealImmutableNamedJoe.accountIds.size)
Assert.assertEquals(2, realImmutableRich.accountIds.size)
// Mutate input list
Assert.assertEquals(1, realImmutableUnderTest.accountIds.size) // Ok, because of defensive copy
// Mutate output list
(realImmutableUnderTest.accountIds as ArrayList).add("12345")
Assert.assertEquals(1, realImmutableUnderTest.accountIds.size) // Ok, because of defensive copy
// Test addAccountId method
val evenRicherRealImmutable = realImmutableRich.addAccountId("33333")
Assert.assertEquals(2, realImmutableRich.accountIds.size)
Assert.assertEquals(3, evenRicherRealImmutable.accountIds.size)
And here is the RealImmutable class. I cannot simply make a defensive copy when using data class. Unfortunately everything falls apart I’ve put some comments in the code itself. Does anybody have some advice?
data class RealImmutable(val id: Long,
val name: String,
val age: Int
) {
constructor(id: Long,
name: String,
age: Int,
accountIds: List<String>)
: this(id, name, age) {
// Have to do defensive copy to be really immutable
this._accountIds = accountIds.toList()
private lateinit var _accountIds: List<String>
public val accountIds: List<String>
get() = _accountIds.toList() // Defensive copy of outputs
Have to make copy method manually because,
accountIds isn't in the constructor :/
public fun copy(
id: Long = this.id,
name: String = this.name,
age: Int = this.age,
accountIds: List<String> = this._accountIds
) = RealImmutable(id, name, age, accountIds)
Cannot do something like this because overriding messes up data class
This will evaluate to something like this:
RealImmutable@5e853265, accountIds=[1111]
override fun toString(): String {
return super.toString() + ", accountIds=$accountIds"
Nope, messes up data class :/
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return super.hashCode() * 31 + accountIds.hashCode()
Nope, messes up data class :/
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return super.equals(other) // and include accountIds
I would have to generate toString, equals and hashCode
every time I change a property which beats the point
of data class. Also, while in data class Android Studio
doesn't offer me generate code options for those 3 guys.
I have to live without them and put a comment that user
of the class can't count on toString, equals and hashCode
which is error prone or I have to abandon data class and
generate the methods my self which is sad :/
This could be useful instead of copy method if I want
more control of accountIds list manipulation.
public fun addAccountId(accountId: String): RealImmutable =
if (_accountIds.contains(accountId)) {
} else {
RealImmutable(id, name, age, _accountIds + listOf(accountId))