Corutines context speed

I have to perform kind of web scraping parsing and storing to DB, In order to improve the speed I’m using coroutines, by a fortunate accident all my work can be expressed in calls to several function with just one argument an Int.

Like findNewsPaper(n:Int) or findSportPaper(n:int)

This allows me to pack the work in bundles of some size and repeat that operation as much times as needed. So I’m launching job arrays of a function that receives an int

 suspend fun runInThreads(sizeblock:Int=10, nblocks:Int=10, maxnumber:Int=100, lng: Lang,fun:(Int,Lang)->Unit ) {
  var ntotal    = 0
  var totalTime = 0L
  val ctx = newFixedThreadPoolContext(40,"hello")
 // val ctx=CommonPool
// val ctx= newSingleThreadContext("nsct")
    for (n in 0..nblocks - 1) {
        if (ntotal < maxnumber) {
            val time = measureTimeMillis {
                val jobs = arrayListOf<Job>()
                for (i in 0..sizeblock - 1) {
                    if (ntotal < maxnumber) {
                        afun(i + n * sizeblock, lng)
                jobs.forEach { it.join() }
            totalTime += time
            logger.error("n threads ${Thread.activeCount().toString().padEnd(3)}   step = $n    {time.milisToMinSecMilis()} ($time ms )  /Item  = ${time / sizeblock} ms  last = $ntotal   time = ${totalTime.milisToMinSecMilis()}  avg = ${totalTime/ntotal}")
logger.error("threads ${Thread.activeCount()}  blocks ${nblocks.toString().padEnd(3)} size ${sizeblock.toString().padEnd(3)}  total items ${ntotal.toString().padEnd(3)}   total time ${totalTime.milisToMinSecMilis()}  ($totalTime ms )   /Item = ${totalTime / ntotal} ms")


you test the function by passing number of jobs per block, number of blocks, the total number and a function
in this case it just does a delay(500)

runBlocking {
    runInThreads(20, 20, 800, lng, { i: Int, LJ: Lang -> testThreads(i, LJ) })

I tested the speed for the different Context types:
where blocks 100 size 5 means 5 sets of job arrays of 100 elements each

// calling fun with delay 500 thread test CoomonPool

threads 14 blocks 400 size 1 total items 400 total time 3 min, 20 sec, 559 ms /Item = 501 ms
threads 15 blocks 200 size 2 total items 400 total time 1 min, 40 sec, 289 ms /Item = 250 ms
threads 15 blocks 150 size 3 total items 400 total time 1 min, 7 sec, 211 ms /Item = 168 ms
threads 15 blocks 100 size 4 total items 400 total time 1 min, 40 sec, 266 ms /Item = 250 ms
threads 15 blocks 20 size 20 total items 400 total time 1 min, 10 sec, 194 ms /Item = 175 ms
threads 15 blocks 4 size 100 total items 400 total time 1 min, 8 sec, 149 ms /Item = 170 ms
threads 15 blocks 1 size 400 total items 400 total time 1 min, 7 sec, 145 ms /Item = 167 ms

// calling fun with delay 500 thread test newFixedThreadPoolContext(40,“hello”)

threads 52 blocks 400 size 1 total items 400 total time 3 min, 20 sec, 559 ms /Item = 501 ms
threads 52 blocks 200 size 2 total items 400 total time 1 min, 40 sec, 301 ms /Item = 250 ms
threads 52 blocks 150 size 3 total items 450 total time 1 min, 15 sec, 228 ms /Item = 167 ms
threads 55 blocks 100 size 4 total items 400 total time 0 min, 50 sec, 172 ms /Item = 125 ms
threads 55 blocks 20 size 20 total items 400 total time 0 min, 10 sec, 65 ms /Item = 25 ms
threads 55 blocks 4 size 100 total items 400 total time 0 min, 6 sec, 51 ms /Item = 15 ms
threads 55 blocks 1 size 400 total items 400 total time 0 min, 5 sec, 71 ms /Item = 12 ms

//Calling to a lonely tread newSingleThreadContext(“nsct”)

threads 13 blocks 20 size 20 total items 400 total time 3 min, 20 sec, 443 ms /Item = 501 ms
threads 13 blocks 1 size 400 total items 400 total time 3 min, 20 sec, 471 ms /Item = 501 ms

It seams obvious that for the kind of task I have to do I shoud definitely go for newFixedThreadPool, I’m confused about CommonPol are those results consistent or I’m doing something wrong.