Deprecation warning: use cssSupport methods instead

I’m using Kotlin/JS as part of a Multiplatform project, and I followed the instructions I found in the documentation and elsewhere to add CSS support via the Gradle file (from the kotlin section):

    js {
        browser {
            commonWebpackConfig {
                cssSupport.enabled = true
                devServer?.port = 9091
                devServer?.proxy = mutableMapOf(
                    "/api/" to mutableMapOf(
                        "target" to "http://localhost:9090",
                        "secure" to false

For quite some time I have been getting this warning:

Warning:(50, 17) 'cssSupport: KotlinWebpackCssRule' is deprecated. use cssSupport methods instead

I don’t really understand what it is trying to tell me to do, and all the documentation seems to still show what I have. Could someone help me and point out how I am supposed to do this so that I don’t get a warning?

Thanks in advance.


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I believe this youtrack issue refers to the same warning. It seems the DSL has changed to the following format instead:

browser {
    commonWebpackConfig {
        cssSupport {
            // In 1.7.20:
            enabled = true
            // In 1.8.0:
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Thanks, @chipays - that seems to be the trick. I hope the documentation will update soon, and the warning message doesn’t seem helpful even in hindsight.

But I’m back on track, thanks for that.

Wow, even as of December 2022, the current IntelliJ multiplatform library wizard still generates the deprecated syntax.

It is fixed now.
The old syntax is no longer supported in 1.8.0, so they had to fix it :grinning:.

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Unfortunately the documentation still seems to show the old syntax. I have commented on the Youtrack issue, let’s hope that triggers a fix.