Difference between custom and default accessor

Suppose there is a class and i need to detect reflectively which of its properties have custom accessors (getters/setters). For example: the job has, while name hasn’t.

class GuineaPig {
	var name: String = "Betsy"
	var job: String = "Spin the wheel"
		get() = field
		set(value) { field = value + " for food" }

In this case i research GuineaPig::class. Reflect its memberProperties. Find a KProperty of name and job. And fall into despair… because can not find any means to detect whether one’s accessors are defined by user code or generated as defaults by the compiler.

I guess that in run-time there is no difference between custom and default accessors. But why have that powerful reflection package that isn’t capable of doing that task. Of course it’s may be me who just doesn’t know how to do it. Anyway is there any solution?

Why? Let’s say i know that reflective call (get/set) to javaField of a property directly is twice faster than using KCallable.call. However if i use javaField of a property with user defined getter/setter i may break its logic. So i need to distinguish which property has custom accessors.

Remark: Guinea pig is taken for clarity. I’m against tests on animals.

There is really no such possibility. Reflection allows you to introspect declarations, but not implementation details. Whether a property has a custom accessor is an implementation detail.

Is there a possibility for the compiler to put some flag about it that can be run-time reflected.
If so i’d make a feature request in the tracker.