Eiffel-Like Assertions


I would love to see Eiffel-like assertions incorporated into Kotlin.

Is there any chance of that happening?


Mark Mueller
One Soruce Payroll

Hi Mark,

fyi there was a similar discussion in the Kontributors forum: http://devnet.jetbrains.com/message/5465970

– Oliver

In short: this is unlikely to happen in the compiler itself, but may happen as an optional plugin

Thanks for responding to my question so quickly.

In Eiffel, the preconditions and postconditons are part of the methods signature, so, if I write an abstract method, someone who adds code to it in a child class will need to live by the same assertions, or make them more rigid.  This is a great benefit in large projects where you have mulitple programmers involved.  

Do you know of anyone that is working on a plugin?

Best Regards,

Mark Mueller
One Source Payroll