hi, I’m interested in the status of IDE integration of FIR plugin. Here’s the only information I can find but it’s there for 2 years:
# FIR Plugin API
Right now, FIR provides five different extensions, which may be used for different purposes. Most of them use a special predicate-based API for accessing declarations, so firstly there will be an explanation of those predicates and only then each extension point will be explained
## Annotations and predicates
Generally, FIR compiler supports search for declarations only with a specific classId/callableId. On the other hand, plugins usually want to perform some global lookup, because they don't know actual names of declarations in user code. To solve this problem, FIR plugin API provides a way to quickly lookup for specific declarations in the user code based on some specific predicate. Right now, the only way to communicate between user code and plugin is to mark something in code with some annotation, so the plugin will look at this annotation and do its magic. And for that, FIR provides a predicate API.
_Note:_ there are plans to design some new syntax for passing information from code to plugins instead of annotations, because they have some problems and limitations due to the compiler design reasons.
There is a special service in FIR named [FirPredicateBasedProvider](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/master/compiler/fir/tree/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/fir/extensions/FirPredicateBasedProvider.kt). It allows to find all declarations in compiled code which match some [DeclarationPredicate](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/master/compiler/fir/tree/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/fir/extensions/predicate/DeclarationPredicate.kt).
There are multiple types of predicates and each one has DSL functions to create them (in parenthesis):
- `AnnotatedWith` matches all declarations which have on of annotations passed to it (`has(vararg annotations: FqName)`)
- `UnderAnnotatedWith` matches all declarations which are declared inside class, which is annotated with on of annotations passed to it (`under(vararg annotations: FqName)`)
- `AnnotatedWithMeta` and `UnderMetaAnnotated` -- same but for meta annotations (`metaHas(vararg annotations: FqName)` and `metaUnder(vararg annotations: FqName)`)
- `And` and `Or` are predicates for combining other types of predicates
There are also functions `hasOrUnder` and `metaHasOrUnder` as shortcuts for `has(...) or under(...)` and `metaHas(...) or metaUnder(...)`
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Interested to know the latest status regarding to this feature.
October 11, 2024, 11:22am
(In case anyone else didn’t recognise the acronym, FIR is part of the newish K2 compiler for Kotlin; it stands for Front-end Intermediate Representation, and replaces the original compiler front-end, which is the part that parses and analyses the source code. This project will presumably allow you to write plug-ins for it.)
Thanks, I had no idea what FIR meant.
October 16, 2024, 10:53am
Me neither! I was going to post a complaint about people using obscure acronyms without explaining them — but then I thought a Public Service Announcement post would be more helpful.
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