Since yesterday I try to get started with kotlin. IMHO the whole process is improvement-worthy. So I still have no running program, but some suggestions.
- If you have a big fat ‘Download’ button on your welcome page (http://kotlin.jetbrains.org/) , it should really lead you directly to the latest downloads. (thanks for adding M3 btw.). Please host the files on your site.
- The zip file should unzip to a directory with the same same kotlin-xx.xx.zip -> kotlin-xx.xx, so nothing gets accidently overwritten
- Please give the bin scripts executable permissions (chmod 0755)
- After the Gnu standard a script (like kotlinc-jvm) that operates on a file, should:
- fail silently if the file is missing
- takes the last argument as the file (the file has not to be defined with an option, such as -src)
- show the call signature in the form of : Usage: ./prog [options] file ( and not "Usage: org.jetbrains.jet.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompilerArguments ") - The Getting Started section should not only show a hello world, but also the compilation, and the inovacation of the class file.
- It is defacto standard to attach a readme to a release, that describes how to use the program
Kotlin, at least the the command line version, should be better packaged and better documented. I could help with that if you want.