How to do an operation on a variable and assign it that new value for easing calculations?

Do calculations with double seems a mess.
But within my calculation i have numbers like 2.245, so my vars can’t be int

How do youe guys manage that?

Care to explain a bit better what’s messy about them?
Also I have no idea what you mean by “pendant”.

Here you go

pendant = equivalent

Within my function i use this caclulation

/*e is a number from 0 to 100
t comes as 0
n and r comes as 100*/
if ((e / r) < 1 / 2.75) {
        println("IS A")
        return (n * 7.5625 * e * e + t).toDouble()
    } else if (e < 2 / 2.75) {
        println("IS B")
        return (n * (7.5625 * (e- 1.5 / 2.75) * e + 0.75) + t).toDouble()
    } else if (e < 2.5 / 2.75) {
        println("IS C")
        return (n * (7.5625 * (e - 2.25 / 2.75) * e + 0.9375) + t).toDouble()
    } else {
        println("IS D")
        return (n * (7.5625 * (e - 2.625 / 2.75) * e + 0.984375) + t).toDouble()

results should be in between - 100 to 200

But what i get is for example this 6.5485458 or even worse 6548545.5

Mostly what people do is that they use BigDecimal if you are on the JVM, or they use an Int that represents the lowest precision (i.e. the number of cents for example in a financial calculation)

It’s unclear to me what’s wrong with that code. Those .toDouble at the end are a bit suspicious as I’d expect inputs to be doubles, otherwise you might do the computations with Ints and then converting the result to a double, which is likely not what you’d want.

For what’s worth 6.5485458 is between -100 and 200, so that seems to comply with your requirements.

Also we’d need to see the types of all the parameters, e, n, r, t and possibly a set of values for which you get an unexpected result.


Even better provide us with code we can run here:

Thanks guys, i kind of fixed it.

What i tried was to create the Robert Penners easing (as i did on Javascript too), but someone was faster and smarter than me. Ramji already did it. So i use that one.

Hold on, still a mess and i don’t know why

fun elasticInOut(t: Float): Float {
    val pi2 = Math.PI * 2
    val s = .45 / pi2 * Math.asin(1.0)
    var o = t * 2f
    return if (o < 1) {
        o -= 1f
        (-0.5f * (Math.pow(2.0, (10 * o).toDouble()) * Math.sin((o - s) * pi2 / .45))).toFloat()
    } else {
        o -= 1f
        (Math.pow(2.0, (-10 * o).toDouble()) * Math.sin((o - s) * pi2 / .45) * 0.5 + 1).toFloat()

and In Main

for(i in (0..100)){
         println("Value  "+i.toFloat()+" "+elasticInOut((i.toFloat())))


Value  0.0 8.478915E-5
    Value  1.0 0.9999152
    Value  2.0 1.0
    Value  3.0 1.0
    Value  4.0 1.0
    Value  5.0 1.0
    Value  6.0 1.0
    Value  7.0 1.0
    Value  8.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  9.0 1.0
    Value  10.0 1.0
    Value  11.0 1.0
    Value  12.0 1.0
    Value  13.0 1.0
    Value  14.0 1.0
    Value  15.0 1.0
    Value  16.0 1.0
    Value  17.0 1.0
    Value  18.0 1.0
    Value  19.0 1.0
    Value  20.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  21.0 1.0
    Value  22.0 1.0
    Value  23.0 1.0
    Value  24.0 1.0
    Value  25.0 1.0
    Value  26.0 1.0
    Value  27.0 1.0
    Value  28.0 1.0
    Value  29.0 1.0
    Value  30.0 1.0
    Value  31.0 1.0
    Value  32.0 1.0
    Value  33.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  34.0 1.0
    Value  35.0 1.0
    Value  36.0 1.0
    Value  37.0 1.0
    Value  38.0 1.0
    Value  39.0 1.0
    Value  40.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  41.0 1.0
    Value  42.0 1.0
    Value  43.0 1.0
    Value  44.0 1.0
    Value  45.0 1.0
    Value  46.0 1.0
    Value  47.0 1.0
    Value  48.0 1.0
    Value  49.0 1.0
    Value  50.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  51.0 1.0
    Value  52.0 1.0
    Value  53.0 1.0
    Value  54.0 1.0
    Value  55.0 1.0
    Value  56.0 1.0
    Value  57.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  58.0 1.0
    Value  59.0 1.0
    Value  60.0 1.0
    Value  61.0 1.0
    Value  62.0 1.0
    Value  63.0 1.0
    Value  64.0 1.0
    Value  65.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  66.0 1.0
    Value  67.0 1.0
    Value  68.0 1.0
    Value  69.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  70.0 1.0
    Value  71.0 1.0
    Value  72.0 1.0
    Value  73.0 1.0
    Value  74.0 1.0
    Value  75.0 1.0
    Value  76.0 1.0
    Value  77.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  78.0 1.0
    Value  79.0 1.0
    Value  80.0 1.0
    Value  81.0 1.0
    Value  82.0 1.0
    Value  83.0 1.0
    Value  84.0 1.0
    Value  85.0 1.0
    Value  86.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  87.0 1.0
    Value  88.0 1.0
    Value  89.0 1.0
    Value  90.0 1.0
    Value  91.0 1.0
    Value  92.0 1.0
    Value  93.0 1.0
    Value  94.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  95.0 1.0
    Value  96.0 1.0
    Value  97.0 1.0
    Value  98.0 1.0
    Value  99.0 1.0
I/System.out: Value  100.0 1.0

where o = 2*t - 1 is basically 0 when t is just 2 so the +1 at the end is the result you get.

Also you have a o < 1 check which is never true, except when t = 0 which is the first iteration. I don’t know whether that’s intended but looks off.

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Hmmm. That’s weird, because that’s not my but Ramijs function
I’ll have a closer look at it. Maybe i should’nt go wit Hundret but with 0…1 as given percentage
and so on

I have forgot the PathInterpolatorCompat
I guess that’s why

Hmm. I go back to the roots with my own function i think. I don’t want to import the whole RamiJ thing

Any reason why you are mixing floats and doubles?

I didn’t, as i said, that was a actually working and in many apps used function from RamiJ

But im overworking my own function. Floats only

Is there a kotlin equvalent for Math operator -= and /= ?

Okay, maybe you guys can help me out a very last time with this

That’s my new function

fun bounceEaseOut(de:Float, t:Float=0f, n:Float=100f, r:Float=100f):Float {
    var e:Float=de
    if (e.div(r) < 1f / 2.75f) {
        println("A By VAL")
        return n * 7.5625f * e * e + t
    } else if (e < 2f / 2.75f) {
        println("B By VAL")
        return n * (7.5625f * e.minus(1.5f / 2.75f)  * e + 0.75f) + t
    } else if (e < 2.5f / 2.75f) {
        println("C By VAL")
        return n * (7.5625f * e.minus(2.25f / 2.75f)  * e + 0.9375f) + t
    } else {
        println("D By VAL")
        return n * (7.5625f * e.minus(2.625f / 2.75f) * e + 0.984375f) + t

The working equvalent in Javascript is that

function bounceEaseOut(e, t, n, r) {
    if ((e /= r) < 1 / 2.75) {
        return n * 7.5625 * e * e + t
    } else if (e < 2 / 2.75) {
        return n * (7.5625 * (e -= 1.5 / 2.75) * e + 0.75) + t
    } else if (e < 2.5 / 2.75) {
        return n * (7.5625 * (e -= 2.25 / 2.75) * e + 0.9375) + t
    } else {
        return n * (7.5625 * (e -= 2.625 / 2.75) * e + 0.984375) + t

when i call my new kotlin function by

var f:Float=0f
        for(i in (0..100)){
            println("Value  "+i.toFloat()+" "+bounceEaseOut(f))

it still refuses to do the right calculation

I should receive a number from 0 to 100. Instead i get Numbers from 0.0 to 7490411.0 and im at the end of my latin

Don’t know what else i should change

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i gave a guess. e is never overwritten. Instead it is counting upwards

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Don’t know what else i should change

When I’m in that situation, I step through the code with a debugger and examine the variables before and/or after each loop iteration or expression until I isolate the problem. If a debugger isn’t available, print out the variables instead.

This is what i do for the last hours

So which expression is yielding the wrong result?

As i said. Looks like e is just counting up. But i can’t define it closeli.
Is there any other cast beside float and double, that can handle seperators?