How to post a runnable code block on this forum

All discourse-based forums use Markdown. Please see:

There is also an issue to improve this:

And running code right inside a forum is a part of Markdown spec?

Ah, now i see what you mean. You don’t want just a

code block

which is created like this:

code block

What you want is to have the runable portion. Sorry for the missunderstanding, that’s not standard markdown.

The simplest way would be to share a link to (but i agree that’s not really cool as it takes you to a new website in a new page, bla, bla).

Whoever clicks may run it: Kotlin Playground: Edit, Run, Share Kotlin Code Online.

But what we really want is a runnable piece of code, embeded in the post:

fun main() {

which is done as follows:

fun main() {

Now the question comes to “how did i figure that out”? I looked at the raw markdown of that particular post:

  1. Copy the link that you wanna check out:

  2. Call the raw endpoint for that post:

As for the question of “how did they do it”, i guess it’s a discourse plugin created by jetbrains which handles the code blocks with highlighting run-kotlin, but idk for sure.

Here’s the blog post about Embedding Kotlin Playground in the forum, your own website or WordPress, and more. In the future, I’ll include this link anytime I post a runnable example so people can see how to do it themselves.

It’s a bit off-topic so maybe we should discuss further in a new site-feedback thread.

EDIT: Whoa! Topics can be split? That’s awesome!

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Yeah, it’s a feature restricted to the kotlin team. While we have their attention, is there any news about the issue I linked above. Any kind of ETA when we can expect something to help new users of this site whit code formatting / runable code blocks? @ilya.gorbunov


I believe adding that button to the composer can be achieved quite easily with a theme component. All it has to do is insert

// type your code here

in the composer.

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Would it be possible that JetBrains creates a Discourse plugin (or more likely a theme component) with run-kotlin functionality?

I would like to use this in my own discourse instance.

I have tried adding the iframe from kotlin playground: iframe src=""></iframe>

but that looks very bad in my discourse (look at how small it is compared to normal topic width):