I realize that JetBrains subscribes to the hidden open brace style of putting their open braces at the end of the line which s fine for your code. You are free to be WRONG
I am firmly in the camp that open braces belong on their own line (except in some cases where the entire block is small and fits on one line) and I don’t like being forced to do it differently. I have found one situation where Kotlin is trying to force end of line style for opening braces.
The case is when you have a member or extension function that only takes a function argument and you are trying to drop the parentheses. A good example would be functions like apply or map.
I should be able to write code like this:
bar = 5
But that does not compile unless I move the opening brace to the previous line.
Back when any function could be used as an infix function that was permissible as:
foo apply
bar = 5
But now that apply cannot be used as infix it isn’t allowed.
If I wrap the lambda with parentheses it does compile:
bar = 5
or even when adding empty parentheses like this:
bar = 5