Maven error on libraries build (Windows)

I tried to build libraries project on windows 8 according to but got followin maven plugin error

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.commonjava.maven.plugins:directory-maven-plugin:0.1:highest-basedir (directories) on project kotlin-project: Cannot find a single highest directory for this project set. First two candidates directories don’t share a common root. -> [Help 1]

full log is here

how to fix it?

The only case I personally saw this problem, was using a bash shell on ms windows.

Which shell are you using? did you try cmd.exe?

I'm using cmd.exe I've temporarily solved this issue by harcoding path for ${highest-basedir}. but i would prefer to have it solved in general after my "fix" mvn install works as expected, but there is another issue - stdlib generation with mvn test-compile exec:java is failed

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:java (default-cli) on project kotlin-stdlib: An exception occured while executing the Java class. -> [Help 1]

full log here -

Did you run ant build of the project before building libraries?

yes, i've performed following steps

  1. ant -f build.xml in project root
  2. mvn install in librarites
  3. mvn test-compile exec:java in libraries/stdlib

first two was successful, but third has failed


This is an issue in Kotlin’s own build process. Investigation is in progress


Fix for stdlib generators has been merged into Kotlin’s trunk. Please update.