Hi everyone,
I’m parsing a Json into my data class using Jackson and the Json is quite complex.
There is the possibility that the Item “p” in the Json is a List of pItems or it is just a pItem, depending on the amount of pItems that result from my request.
Right now I solved the parsing like this :
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper().apply {
propertyNamingStrategy = PropertyNamingStrategy.LOWER_CAMEL_CASE
convert(PObjectSeal::class, { PObjectSeal.fromJson(it) }, { it.toJson() }, true)
sealed class PObjectSeal {
class PObjectArrayValue(val value: List<PObject>) : PObjectSeal()
class PObjectValue(val value: PObject) : PObjectSeal()
fun toJson(): String = mapper.writeValueAsString(when (this) {
is PObjectArrayValue -> this.value
is PObjectValue -> this.value
companion object {
fun fromJson(jn: JsonNode): PObjectSeal = when (jn) {
is ArrayNode -> PObjectArrayValue(mapper.treeToValue(jn))
is ObjectNode -> PObjectValue(mapper.treeToValue(jn))
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
data class PObject(
val content: ContentSeal? = null,
val name: String? = null,
val pClass: String? = null
But now I facing the issue/inconvenience of using the Object in my Program.
if (eachFoundLine.p is PObjectSeal.PObjectArrayValue) {
eachFoundLine.p.value.foreach { ... }
} else if (eachFoundLine.p is PObjectSeal.PObjectValue) {
eachFoundLine.p.value ....
In each case I do the same thing with the data, on one I do it on every Item and on the other one just on one.
This is just so inconvenient since this can be encapsulated, as you can see with the ContentSeal, which would be the same case.
How would you guys solve this ?
Is there a better way of accessing/determining the data.
Thank you for your help !