Gson does not specify deserialize
with @NotNull
parameters, it is possible to get an NPE, and not know why (without a lot of digging).
You define (and construct) PercentResponse
but return PercentInspectionResponse
, same with TypePercentInspection
You don’t use @SerializedName
. While Gson allows this, it couples your implementation to the outside world in an unsatisfactory way. You want to be able to change the two independently.
You are checking an intput (type
) that has disjoint (non-overlapping) values (integers) with two if
s. This is not a “bug”, but a code smell.
You probably did not try to compile this code. As you define data classes but try to use them like normal classes.
Creating a Gson object inside your deserializer.
Here is a quick conversion. It’s based on my limited understanding of the requirements.
// All code compiled with Kotlin 1.3.10
class ResponseDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<Response> {
override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement?, typeOfT: Type?, context: JsonDeserializationContext?): Response {
checkNotNull(json) // throws error here, instead of somewhere inside Gson.
val jsonObject = json.asJsonObject
val type = jsonObject.get("type").asInt
return Response(
when (type) {
1 -> jsonObject.extractList<PercentItem.PercentType1>("percent", context)
2 -> jsonObject.extractList<PercentItem.PercentType2>("percent", context)
else -> TODO("Unexpected percent type")
private inline fun <reified T> JsonObject.extractList(memberName: String, context: JsonDeserializationContext): List<T> {
return this.getAsJsonArray(memberName).map {
context.deserialize<T>(it, T::class.java)
private val JsonElement.asStringOrNull: String?
get() = when {
this.isJsonNull -> null
else -> this.asString
data class Response(
val orderId: Int,
val type: Int,
val note: String? = null,
val percent: List<PercentItem> = emptyList()
sealed class PercentItem {
data class PercentType1(
val category: String,
val items: List<Item>?
) : PercentItem()
data class PercentType2(
val id: String,
val itemBudgetID: Int,
val powID: Int,
val itemNo: String,
val infoDescription: String,
val description: String,
val subDescription: String,
val linePercent: Int
) : PercentItem()
data class Item(
val categoryID: Int,
val categoryCheck: Boolean,
val budgetID: Int,
val description: String,
val categoryName: String
Tests, mostly just seeing if the deserializer can make sense of the input.
class ResponseDeserializerTest {
fun type1Response_isNotNull() {
val response = extract(inputType1)
fun type2Response_isNotNull() {
val response = extract(inputType2)
fun type1Response_hasPercentType1Items() {
val response = extract(inputType1)
val list = response.percent.filterIsInstance(PercentItem.PercentType1::class.java)
fun type1Response_hasNoPercentType2Items() {
val response = extract(inputType1)
val list = response.percent.filterIsInstance(PercentItem.PercentType2::class.java)
fun type1Response_hasOnlyPercentType1Items() {
val response = extract(inputType1)
val all = response.percent.all {
when (it) {
is PercentItem.PercentType1 -> true
else -> false
fun type1Response_hasOnlyPercentType1ItemsFails() {
val response = extract(inputType1Broken)
val all = response.percent.all {
when (it) {
is PercentItem.PercentType1 -> !it.category.isNullOrBlank()
else -> false
fun type2Response_hasPercentType2Items() {
val response = extract(inputType2)
val list = response.percent.filterIsInstance(PercentItem.PercentType2::class.java)
fun type2Response_hasNoPercentType1Items() {
val response = extract(inputType2)
val list = response.percent.filterIsInstance(PercentItem.PercentType1::class.java)
fun responseList_isNotNull() {
val response = extractArray(inputTypeArray)
private val gson: Gson = GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(Response::class.java, ResponseDeserializer())
private fun extract(input: String): Response {
return gson.fromJson(input, Response::class.java)
private fun extractArray(input: String): List<Response> {
val type = object : TypeToken<List<Response>>() {}.type
return gson.fromJson(input, type)
private val inputType1 = """{
"orderId": 123121,
"note": "notas raul",
"percent": [
"category": "Items",
"items": [
"category_check": false,
"cccategoryID": 10,
"cccategoryname": " Items",
"itembudgetID": 122,
"description": "Sewer / Septic"
"type": 1
private val inputType2 = """{
"orderId": 123123,
"note": null,
"percent": [
"id": "123123_1",
"itembudgetID": 123123,
"powID": 0,
"itemno": "1",
"info_description": "blue",
"description": "description",
"subdescription": "",
"linepercent": 0
"type": 2
private val inputType1Broken = """{
"orderId": 1234,
"note": "Nada",
"percent": [
"id": "123123_1",
"itembudgetID": 123123,
"powID": 0,
"itemno": "1",
"info_description": "blue",
"description": "description",
"subdescription": "",
"linepercent": 0
}, {
"category": "Items",
"items": [
"category_check": false,
"cccategoryID": 10,
"cccategoryname": " Items",
"itembudgetID": 122,
"description": "Sewer / Septic"
"type": 1
private val inputTypeArray = """[$inputType1, $inputType2]"""
This code does not handle consistency checking. If you hand it a JSON string with "type": 1
, but where the internal percent
array does not match it will give you objects with nulls. Gson does not respect Kotlin’s property conventions.