Reified types matching

For example i have serelization code:

inline fun<reified T : Any?> getSerializer() : Buffer.(T) -> Buffer
    val clazz =
    val type = typeOf<T>()
    return when
        clazz == -> Buffer::writeInt as (Buffer, Any?) -> Buffer
        clazz ==    -> Buffer::writeLong as (Buffer, Any?) -> Buffer
        clazz ==  -> Buffer::writeDouble as (Buffer, Any?) -> Buffer
        clazz ==   -> Buffer::writeFloat as (Buffer, Any?) -> Buffer
        clazz ==  -> Buffer::writeString as (Buffer, Any?) -> Buffer
        type is WildcardType && clazz ==  -> getMapEntrySerializer(type)
        type is WildcardType && clazz == -> getCollectionSerializer(type)
        type is WildcardType                                    -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
        else -> getAllRegisteredSerializers()[clazz]
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Try to get serializer for unregistered class $clazz")

I have to match class and type of T. The second is what I have to make casts(smart cast does not work).
Why not make something like:

inline fun<reified T : Any?> getSerializer() : Buffer.(T) -> Buffer
    val clazz =
    return when(T)
        Integer -> Buffer::writeInt
        Int -> Buffer::writeInt
        Long  -> Buffer::writeLong
        Double  -> Buffer::writeDouble
        Float -> Buffer::writeFloat
        String  -> Buffer::writeString
        Map.Entry(keyType, valueType)  -> getMapEntrySerializer(keyType, valueType)
        Collection(valueType) -> getCollectionSerializer(valueType)
        else -> getAllRegisteredSerializers()[clazz]
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Try to get serializer for unregistered class $clazz ")

KType class provides STAR instance, so if generic type in unknown it won’t be broken.

This feature makes code pretty and understandable.

You could implement more less this way:

inline fun <reified T> getSerializer(): Buffer.(T) -> Buffer = when (val type = typeOf<T>()) {
	typeOf<Int>() -> Buffer::writeInt
	typeOf<Long>() -> Buffer::writeLong
	typeOf<Double>() -> Buffer::writeDouble
	typeOf<Float>() -> Buffer::writeFloat
	typeOf<String>() -> Buffer::writeString
	else -> when {
		type.isSubtypeOf(typeOf<Collection<*>>()) -> getCollectionSerializer(type.arguments[0].type)
		type.isSubtypeOf(typeOf<Map.Entry<*, *>>()) -> getMapEntrySerializer(type.arguments[0].type, type.arguments[1].type)
		else -> TODO()

With typeOf() function you reify a complete generic information of all sub-types.