Hi, I think that there should be way for efficient type check in reified functions
Lets check this artificial example
inline fun <reified T> storageEfficientList(vararg items: T): List<T> {
return when (T::class) {
Int::class -> (items as Array<out Int>).toIntArray().asList()
Byte::class -> (items as Array<out Byte>).toByteArray().asList()
else -> items.toList()
} as List<T>
When used, it is converted to something like that:
if (Intrinsics.areEqual(
) ArraysKt.asList(ArraysKt.toIntArray(`items$iv`)) else (if (Intrinsics.areEqual(
) ArraysKt.asList(ArraysKt.toByteArray(`items$iv` as Array<Byte?>?)) else ArraysKt.toList(`items$iv`))
I think that there should be efficient way to check the type, at least without reflection, in ideal way - filter out code dead code.
This would allow to create efficient alternatives for overloading with multiple type arguments - one method from user perspective, but multiple specialized implementation inside of method.