I am new to Kotlin, but am enjoying programming with it. But now I run into a problem. I have a fragment (ContactsFragment) which loads data from an URL into a ListView, via a List. This all works fine.
Now I would like to add a new contact, from my activity (AddContactActivity). So I make an https POST request and get a new list of contacts back. So far everything works correct.But now I would like to update the ListView to show the new list. But I can’t get that to work. Not via calling a function from the ContactsFragment class (then I have context problems on creating the new adapter), but also not by creating a local new adapter and assigning that to the list view.
This is my code:
override fun success(list: List<Contact>, response: Response) {
val adapter = ContactsAdapter(getApplicationContext(), list)
contacts_list.adapter = adapter
But I get a null exception error to the contact_list at the moment. How can I update the contact_list (or the adapter) to show the new list?
(I call the Acitivity from a particular button, but that just shows a new layout, whereas the new updated list is only retrieved after a button click on that layout (so I cannot add any parameters to the activity start).
Thanks for your reply. It is a runtime error. It get the error in LogCat when I try to add the contact.
Your code does solve the runtime error, but I do not get the new list presented in my ListView
(sounds reasonable, since contacts_list somehow is null, but I do not understand (yet) how to call the variable (update the adapter) from within the activity)
Well, this is the first Activity where I am trying to change something from a different Class/Layout. But it does work within the same Class.
Using FindViewById does not solve the problem:
var tmp_list = findViewById(R.id.contacts_list) as ListView
tmp_list.adapter = adapter
Since I get an “kotlin.TypeCastException: null cannot be cast to non-null type android.widget.ListView”
Could it be a problem with context or something (just guessing here, since I am pretty new to Kotlin), that it does not exist in the current context or something?
But is that the same xml where the contacts_list is? You said on a previous post that it was on fragment_contacts.xml.
If that is the case you need to findViewById from the view inflated from that xml.
For example:
val view = layoutInflater.inflate(fragment_contacts.xml, ...)
val list = view.findViewById(R.id.contacts_list) as ListView
Slowly we are getting there. I don’t get an error anymore with this new code, but my ListView is also not showing the new information. So I have a feeling that this layoutInflater is creating a new instance of the layout and changing the adapter there. But 2 seconds later the activity is finished and the (new?) view is being destroyed and I am returned back to the previous page, showing the previous ContactList (from the backstack)
Could that be the case? Or do I have to call a refresh on the ListView or something?
But I am not changing the values on the adapter itself, but rather building a new adapter and switching the adapter on the ListView. So calling an ‘refresh’ on the adapter does not do the trick. I should be calling the ‘refresh’ on the ListView instead. But
Also does not work, I still do not see the ListView with updates values. So I am still thinking that the layoutInflater creates a new instance from the fragment_contacts and is not loading the one already on the backstack.
Okay, thanks for all your help and time. So I have to think of something completely different so solve my problem. I didn’t think it would be this hard to update a ListView with a new list (that’s basically all I want to do)
Yes, I wanted to do it in Kotlin. And I have found a solution now. I am passing the complete ListView as a parameter to the activity and build a new adapter in the activity and then assign the new adapter to the ListView before calling the finish on the activity. This is working. So I have a solution for now (not the nicest I guess, but well…).
Thanks for all your help and thinking with me here.
It’s easier because there is a lot more tutorials on how to do it in java. Trying to learn both at the same time is harder than focusing in one thing, don’t you agree?