Sudden "overrides nothing" errors appear, no recent change to Kotlin build version

Just today I am trying to build an app module in Android Studio, with Kotlin 1.1.51. This code to implement PagerAdapter has compiled for a long time, but suddenly it is getting confused with overriding function parameter and/or return types of Java interface.

    internal inner class RegistrationPagerAdapter : PagerAdapter(), ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener {
    var expanded: Boolean = false
        set(value) {
            if (field == value)
            field = value
    val layouts = arrayOf(R.layout.fragment_login, R.layout.fragment_reg_1, R.layout.fragment_reg_2,
                          R.layout.fragment_reg_3, R.layout.fragment_reg_4)

    override fun instantiateItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int): ViewDataBinding? {
        val layout = layouts[position]
        return when (layout) {
            R.layout.fragment_login -> this@LoginActivity.setupLogin(container)
            R.layout.fragment_reg_1 -> this@LoginActivity.setupPage1(container)
            R.layout.fragment_reg_2 -> this@LoginActivity.setupPage2(container)
            R.layout.fragment_reg_3 -> this@LoginActivity.setupPage3(container)
            R.layout.fragment_reg_4 -> this@LoginActivity.setupPage4(container)
            else -> throw IllegalStateException("unknown item in RegistrationPagerAdapter")

    override fun destroyItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int, `object`: Any) {
        when (layouts[position]) {
            R.layout.fragment_login -> this@LoginActivity.loginBinding = null
            R.layout.fragment_reg_1 -> this@LoginActivity.reg1Binding = null
            R.layout.fragment_reg_2 -> this@LoginActivity.reg2Binding = null
            R.layout.fragment_reg_3 -> this@LoginActivity.reg3Binding = null
            R.layout.fragment_reg_4 -> this@LoginActivity.reg4Binding = null
        container.removeView((`object` as ViewDataBinding).root)

    override fun isViewFromObject(view: View?, `object`: Any): Boolean {
        if (`object` === this@LoginActivity.loginBinding)
            return view === this@LoginActivity.loginBinding?.root
        if (`object` === this@LoginActivity.reg1Binding)
            return view === this@LoginActivity.reg1Binding?.root
        if (`object` === this@LoginActivity.reg2Binding)
            return view === this@LoginActivity.reg2Binding?.root
        if (`object` === this@LoginActivity.reg3Binding)
            return view === this@LoginActivity.reg3Binding?.root
        if (`object` === this@LoginActivity.reg4Binding)
            return view === this@LoginActivity.reg4Binding?.root

        throw IllegalStateException("unknown item in RegistrationPagerAdapter")
    override fun restoreState(state: Parcelable, loader: ClassLoader?) {
        this.expanded = Parcels.unwrap(state)
        super.restoreState(state, loader)

And now, I suddenly have errors

e: (1072, 20): Class ‘RegistrationPagerAdapter’ is not abstract and does not implement abstract base class member public abstract fun isViewFromObject(@NonNull p0: View, @NonNull p1: Any): Boolean defined in
e: (1085, 76): Return type of ‘instantiateItem’ is not a subtype of the return type of the overridden member ‘@NonNull public open fun instantiateItem(@NonNull p0: ViewGroup, p1: Int): Any defined in’
e: (1108, 9): ‘isViewFromObject’ overrides nothing
e: (1155, 9): ‘restoreState’ overrides nothing

The IDE doesn’t show an error in the open source file. I really can’t imagine why these would suddenly start to appear. IDE has Kotlin plugin of same version as dependency in build.gradle

Just remove nullable ‘?’ from you arguments on overrided function

1- override fun isViewFromObject(view: View?, object: Any): Boolean {}

2- override fun restoreState(state: Parcelable, loader: ClassLoader?) {}

3- override fun instantiateItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int): ViewDataBinding? {}


1- override fun isViewFromObject(view: View, object: Any): Boolean {}

2- override fun restoreState(state: Parcelable, loader: ClassLoader) {}

3- override fun instantiateItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int): ViewDataBinding {}

Did you perhaps update the android/support library version? Google has been adding annotations, also for Kotlin compatibility. This has probably interfered with your code.

Thanks, I think that was it. Though strangely I have done full builds since changing library versions! I don’t understand why the editor thinks the code is fine. Bug in analyzers?

maybe you haven’t updated your analyzer version yet? For me the analyzer version was still set to Kotlin 1.1 and then i wondered why isInitialized for a lateinit variable wouldn’t work…

Something similar may be happening to you

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