Use KotlinJs code from ES6

I have the following Kotlin class:

data class ModelId(val stringId: String) {

  fun asValue(): ValuePropertyValue {
    return ModelIdValue(this)


Which results in in the following JS code:

  function ModelId(stringId) {
    this.stringId = stringId;
  ModelId.prototype.asValue = function () {
    return new ModelIdValue(this);
  ModelId.$metadata$ = {
    kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
    simpleName: 'ModelId',
    interfaces: []
  ModelId.prototype.component1 = function () {
    return this.stringId;
  ModelId.prototype.copy_61zpoe$ = function (stringId) {
    return new ModelId(stringId === void 0 ? this.stringId : stringId);
  ModelId.prototype.toString = function () {
    return 'ModelId(stringId=' + Kotlin.toString(this.stringId) + ')';
  ModelId.prototype.hashCode = function () {
    var result = 0;
    result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.stringId) | 0;
    return result;
  ModelId.prototype.equals = function (other) {
    return this === other || (other !== null && (typeof other === 'object' && (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) === Object.getPrototypeOf(other) && Kotlin.equals(this.stringId, other.stringId))));

(The whole thing is a UMD module)

But this resutls in an error

Uncaught TypeError: _openorcaJsClient.ModelId is not a constructor

Generate code by webpack

    var modelId = new _openorcaJsClient.MtodelId("Hallo");

I found the problem: In the module, the package from the original kotlin code is still in. That means, I have to use ch.