Using kotlinx.serialization in generic function?


I am trying out the new kotlinx.serialization (in kotlin.js for now) and serializing by json

How would I create a generic find function that returns a correctly typed Kotlin object?

One of my many attempts is below. Here the compiler warns that Serializable is a final type, and also doesn’t know about the serializer method. Also did not have much luck installing the JsonFeature.

Any help on how to do this in a generic way would be appreciated.

suspend inline fun <reified T : Serializable> find2(id: Long): T? {
    HttpClient(Js) {
//            install(JsonFeature) {
//                serializer = GsonSerializer()
//                serializer = defaultSerializer()
//            }
    }.use {
        // .use automatically closes the client
        val json = it.get<String>("$baseUrl/$id")
        // val ob = kotlinx.serialization.json.Json.parse(Event.serializer(), json)
                                                   //      ^^^ Explicit type works (without the Serializable type in the function definition)
        return kotlinx.serialization.json.Json.parse((T.serializer(), json)
                                                   //      ^^^ What should I use here??

OK, the problem with the JsonFeature was a version incompatibility between the ktor client and, I guess, the serialization library.

Moving to the later version of ktor allowed the JsonFeature to work.

This then allowed this code to work:

suspend inline fun <reified T> find3(id: Long): T? {
    HttpClient(Js) {
        install(JsonFeature) {
            // serializer = GsonSerializer()
            serializer = defaultSerializer()
    }.use {
        // .use automatically closes the client
        return it.get<T>("$baseUrl/$id")

I would still be keen to know how the function should be defined if I was to read the json myself and then try and parse it (i.e. the original question), however the original problem is solved by the above.