Where is "x=2,y=3"?

fun main() {
  outer@ for (x in 0..3) {
            for (y in 3 downTo 1) {
                if (y == x) {
                println("(x,y) = ($x ,$y)")
Run in "play.kotlinlang.org", the result is
(x,y) = (0 ,3)
(x,y) = (0 ,2)
(x,y) = (0 ,1)
(x,y) = (1 ,3)
(x,y) = (1 ,2)

I think you misunderstood what break does. It stops the loop, not goes to the next element. You should either use continue@outer or simply break (to break the inner loop).

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I think so too. He probably wanted to use either continue or put that printing line under a condition x != y if loop was not to be skipped entirely.

Now,I think it’s like this
A break qualified with a label also terminates the outer loop.

Yes, it does. It works the same as in pretty much any other language - it terminates the whole loop, not only the current iteration. To jump to the next iteration, we use continue if the language supports it.

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