I think it’s usually a good idea to get acquainted with the existing process of a project before making suggestions to improve it. In Kotlin, all of the commits merged into the “master” branch are reviewed by at least one other developer, and this rule is followed very strictly. The reviews usually happen face-to-face, but we also use GitHub and Upsource, JetBrains’s own code review system. Also, almost all commits pass through remote run on TeamCity, which allows us to detect and fix test failures before changes are merged into the “master” branch. The continuous integration server is entirely public.
It’s true that we recently had to revert a number of commits; this has to do with the addition of features that depend on IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate to the Kotlin plugin, and we’re still trying to figure the best way to organize development so that those features do not influence developers who only use IntelliJ Community. This is a one-off event; if you look at the project history, you’ll find extremely few other reverted commits.
If you have any other evidence about “noise commits” and “not every commit right and stable”, please tell us what you mean exactly.