Build errors with kotlin/kapt 1.1.3

I changed the kotlin version/gradle plugin to 1.1.3 (precisely, that means classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" and compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version"

and I get build errors related to kapt .java stub files. Build log attached. (4.1 KB)

In addition I have experience full IDE hang indefinitely when doing simple code operations such as “Comment with line comment” when IDE configured with plugin 1.1.3. Trying to revert to 1.1.2 to see if it helps back to normal.

Kapt 1.1.3 seems to have some bug that only resolve for me when I delete the .gradle folder.

This looks like, which we plan to fix in a hotfix for 1.1.3.

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