I’m trying to call stat() C function (from sys/stat.h) to get actual file/dir type that are behind symbolic links.
Here’s what I have at the moment:
val dir = opendir(path)
if (dir != null) {
try {
var entry = platform.posix.readdir(dir)
while (entry != null) {
println("fsLF name/type: '${entry.pointed.d_name.toKString()}'/'${entry.pointed.d_type}'")
if (entry.pointed.d_type == DT_LNK.toUByte()) {
println("fsLF stat: '${stat(entry.pointed.d_name.toKString(), null)}'") // This one always returns -1, however, I need to know what type is behind a symlink: dir or file
entry = readdir(dir)
} finally {
Currently stat() call always returns -1. And want it to return something meaningful that can be interpreted as file or dir type.
Any idea what went wrong?