Kotlin 1.1.3 EAP

We’re happy to announce the EAP for Kotlin 1.1.3. The final release is going to happen in the first half of June.
What’s new

  • Rainbow highlighting for local variables and parameters
  • Inline hints for parameter names (enabled by default) and inferred types (disabled by default, can be enabled in Settings | Editor | General | Appearance | Show parameter name hints | Configure…)
  • Performance and memory usage improvements in the compiler and IDE plugin
  • Improvements in the performance of generated bytecode
  • Lots of bugs are fixed in the compiler and IDE

Full changelog

How to get EAP build

For IntelliJ IDEA:

You can configure Early Access Preview channel in Tools → Kotlin → Configure Kotlin Plugin Updates. Change the update channel to “Early Access Preview 1.1.x” and press Check for updates now.

For Gradle or Maven:

Add https://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlin-eap-1.1 to your repositories.
Change the version of Kotlin dependencies (compiler and stdlib) to 1.1.3-eap-34

Please do provide feedback and report any issues to our issue tracker (please specify your plugin version and IDE version).


Any plans to publish the EAP plugins through Gradle plugin repo (Gradle - Plugin: org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm) or is that specific for release versions ??


EAP build 1.1.3-eap-68 is now available. Includes stability improvements and bug fixes.