Kotlin and Artificial Intelligence

Hello guys, does kotlin used to develop AI and ML

Not in the short run. Right now I’m not apprehensive of any Kotlin libs or major operation of Kotlin in that sphere. Java libs for AI/ ML/ Data wisdom have way more request share. Also if any cold-blooded object-functional language on the JVM is going to dominate ML/ data wisdom/ Big data shortly it’s going to be Scala because

it’s been around a lot longer than Kotlin
It has way further request share than Kotlin in the fields of data wisdom/ Big data, especially because it’s the “ native” language of Spark.

AI/ ML/ Big data are still substantially academic fields or rehearsed in assiduity by people with a strong theoretical academic background and these people naturally gravitate towards a more academic ( more delicate but also more important) language than Kotlin which is further intended as a functional JVM language for the normal working programmer. For more to know about Artificial Intelligence visit cetpa.

See Kotlin for data science | Kotlin and GitHub - Kotlin/kotlindl: High-level Deep Learning Framework written in Kotlin and inspired by Keras

As for more specific discussion please join science and datascience channels in Kotlin Slack Sign-up.