New multiplatform JSON parser library needs your help for native iOS/OSX support

I published the v2.5 release of essential-kson, a minimalistic but powerful json parser.

It supports Jvm, Js, WasmJs, and several native platforms on android and desktop. It has a very complete test suite. The parser has been adapted from Gson.

All the macOS and iOS native platforms should be easily reachable but they need some help from a contributor proficient with Apple native kotlin code packaging in multiplatform projects (and I don’t have a Mac).

So if you feel like helping, please step in! And otherwise, please give it a star, it’s the first time I communicate about it, you know how new projects are deeply in need of visibility.

Isn’t it already supported by Kotlinx Serialization?
kotlinx-serialization-json can be also used directly, without compiler plugin if necessary, similar to your lib.

Maybe you could at least add comparison with kotlin-serialization-json to your lib README


Thanks for your feedback Yes, underlying the differences with kotlinx-serialization in the readme is a good idea.

Among those differences, the extensibility is a major one (objects and arrays are not sealed in essential-kson), and the wrapping of primitive values looks to me as an awkward design decision (common to many libs…).

Those are good points: make it minimalistic and focus on raw performance and memory optimization.
It looks like a library that fits well for some prototyping and kotlin scripts, but it is not published to Maven Central as I see

It is published to Maven Central.

Maybe you did search for a Java artifact named essential-kson.jar. The correct artifact id is essential-kson-jvm for the JVM, all multiplaform libraries do require this suffix.

Full maven coordinates for the JVM facet:


The just released version of Kotlin 2.1.0 has support for building multiplatform libraries for iOS and Mac on any architecture


Suffix is not necessary, it can be published without it with Gradle metadata which points to correct platform

Thanks for your answer. I published the v2.6 with support for iOS and macOS plaforms.

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