New overloading operator methods

I am writing a glm java porting here and looking for an overloading operator support I stumbled over Kotlin and I fell in love with it…

There is only one problem I am facing right now… I’d like to have the case where I perform this addition

var a = Vec2(1f, 2f)
var b = Vec2(3f, 4f)
var c = a + b

operator fun plus(other: Vec2): Vec2 = Vec2(x + other.x, y + other.y)

where c is a new instance… no problem so far. But I’d also like to have support for the case when c is already initialized and I just want to overwrite its x and y variables…

var a = Vec2(1f, 2f)
var b = Vec2(3f, 4f)
var c = Vec2()
c.set(a + b)

operator fun plus(other: Vec2): FloatArray = floatarrayof(x + other.x, y + other.y)

The big problem here is that I cannot have simultaneously these two operator overloading functions…

Do you have a tip how I could find a solution (even tricky) about it?

Why don’t you just use Vec2 as an argument of set()?
What is the advantage of having plus returning FloatArray and not Vec2?

In order to minimize the garbage collector activity…

There are some situations where I don’t want to have any garbage (or at least as less as possible), that is, if I have a pool of Vec2, I can re-use for example c to save the result of a + b

FloatArray as a result also requires an allocation.
Anyway you couldn’t have an overload of a function that differs only in return type, so you have to choose another name for plus that returns an array.

You could provide an operator += in Vec2:

class Vec2 {
    operator fun plusAssign(other: Vec2): Unit {
         this.x += other.x
         this.y += other.y

and then you can add vectors in-place with no allocations as following:

var a = Vec2(1f, 2f)
var b = Vec2(3f, 4f)
val c = Vec2(a)  // copy constructor 
// or c = a.copy() if Vec2 is a data class
c += b

But now you have to declare c as val, since having both plus and plusAssign available on a mutable variable leads to an ambiguity of expression c += b.

I’d like to have the possibility to override basic operations as following

a = b + c

operator fun addition(a: Vec2, b: Vec2): Vec2 {
    x = a.x + b.x
    y = a.y + b.y
    return this;

in order to save result in a without creating any intermediate garbage result…

According to Perry Nguyen, this is possible in Scala:

[quote=“Perry Nguyen, post:6, topic:2007, full:true”]it would end up being something like a := b / c, where := would be defined as def :=(ops: Vec2Op) = a.append(ops.calculate) and b / c would evaluate as a Vec2Op

[quote=“Perry Nguyen”]it would end up being something like a := b / c, where := would be defined as def :=(ops: Vec2Op) = a.append(ops.calculate) and b / c would evaluate as a Vec2Op

Note that Vec2Op also could be considered as intermediate garbage result.