"Unresolved reference: println" in maven project

My simple Kotlin maven project has somehow broken down.
After some actions with maven my Idea cannot resolve Kotlin functions like ‘println’, ‘contains’ etc.

I know, that this means no Kotlin runtime library is presented in project. But what should I do to fix that?
Maven reimport, maven-clean and maven-install have no effect on this. How can I plug the library back into my project?

Excuse my possible grammar mistakes and thank you for reading.

It’s strange… When I connect Kotlin libraries by adding JARs through Ideas “project configuration” my project works fine.
But with Maven I have the problem described above.

Maybe there is something wrong with my pom.xml?
Here it is:

        <name>Maven Repository Switchboard</name>

Please ensure that the version of the IntelliJ IDEA Kotlin plugin you have installed matches the version of Kotlin you’re using in your Maven pom.xml (1.0.0).