private var tmpValue: Int by MyReadWritePropery()
fun doWhat(){
tmpValue = Math.max(tmpValue--, MachineInfo.getInt(MachineInfo.Min_Temperature))
When I changed it like this, it works as expected
private var tmpValue: Int by MyReadWritePropery()
fun doWhat() {
tmpValue -= 1
tmpValue = Math.max(tmpValue, MachineInfo.getInt(MachineInfo.Min_Temperature))
Your code is wrong, maybe your method of MachineInfo.getInt always returns a value less than tmpValue.
Please consider about the code below:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var value: Int = 0
value = maxOf(value++, -1) // Use Kotlin's functions instead of Java's
What will this code print to your screen?
Sure it’s 0.
Why? It’s because you are comparing 0 and -1 instead of 1 and -1.
When you are using value++ as an actual param to invoke a function, the function always receives value instead of value + 1. after gave value to the function, value + 1 is assigned to the field of value.
So when maxOf is invoked, 0 and -1 are passed to this function to compare. Certainly 0 is returned and assigned to value.